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Third National Flag of the Confederate States of America
Third National Flag of the
Confederate States of America
P. A. Stonemann, CSS Dixieland
P. A. Stonemann, CSS Dixieland
National Jack of the Confederate States Navy
National Jack of the
Confederate States Navy

CSS Dixieland

Probing the depths of knowledge

These essays by P. A. Stonemann, CSS Dixieland, cover a wide range of historical, philosophical, scientifical and technical subjects. Each page deals with a particular topic, divided into sections and explained by itself. Every page shows at its top hyper links to every other page. The Start page also has short descriptions of the other pages. CSS Dixieland expresses gratitude to the readers that make this work meaningful.

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Aryan Race page

Providing Knowledge for the Victory of the Aryan Race
Fighting in defence of our Language, Religion and Eternal Values
We are not the last of yesterday, we are the first of tomorrow !!!

Walkyrie who takes our dead heroes to Walhalla in Asgard
Walkyrie who takes our dead heroes to Walhalla in Asgard.
Wagner Frost Illustration

Sections in this page

  Aryans: The Legendary Race
  Racial differences
  John Randal Baker
  Madison Grant
  Count Arthur de Gobineau
  J. Philippe Rushton
  Richard Lynn
  Michael Levin
  Collection of essays
  Hyper links

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Aryans: The Legendary Race

History of the name "Aryan"

In 1786, the English orientalist Sir William Jones (1746-1794) turned the attention of learned men to the deep similarities that existed amongst the Latin, Greek and Sanskrit languages. Throughout the XIX and XX centuries over 5000 languages past and present were examined in detail. It was discovered that about 500 of those languages were genetically related to each other, in the sense that very probably those 500 languages all derived from a common ancestor. The Sanskrit word "arya", meaning "noble", was chosen by most linguists as the name of this family of languages, spoken since antiquity from Iceland to India, and by the European colonisation that began in the XV century, today spoken or commanding strong influence in many parts of the world.

The Aryan family includes languages such as Gothic, Scandinavian, German, English, Irish, Breton, Latin, Italian, French, Greek, Russian, Armenian, Persian, Sanskrit and plenty of others, many of them with a long history and a rich literature, forming the biggest and most spoken linguistic family that has existed in History, out of a total of over forty distinct families, living or dead, that are recognised by the Science of Linguistics.

This is our heritage. In a real sense, the ancient Aryans are our cultural as well as our biological ancestors. Linguists say "genetically related" to refer to languages descended from a common ancestor. Hence, it is clear that the original Aryans were necessarily one people and one race, who inhabited an original land (known in German as "Ur-Heimat"), whose geographic location is still matter for interesting scientific debates. It is obvious that as there existed a common linguistic ancestor for all Aryan languages, must also have existed a common racial ancestor for their original speakers, for it is impossible to imagine one without the other.

Racial differences

Some scientific researches on racial differences
in Homo sapiens sapiens or immediate ancestors

Race and intelligence. Introduction by P. A. Stonemann

Researchers have reported differences in the average test scores for measuring the Intellectual Quotient of various racial groups. Scientists such as Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein or Richard Lynn have argued that such differences are at least partly genetic. Of course, in this liberal-dominated XXI century there are also individuals who declare that the interpretation, causes, accuracy and reliability of these differences are controversial. Some of those individuals go as far as, more or less sincerely, denying the concept of race altogether and saying that "Race is a cultural and social construct". Such liberal cranks are thinking only of Homo sapiens when they quack so ridiculous statements, they do not even consider other species, whether living or extinct. They are, therefore, clearly spousing and anthropocentric and false view that is typical of liberals.

In sharp contrast to those sons of the "liberte, egalite et fraternite", serious scholars offer plenty of unmistakable evidence that the concept of race is, in effect, based on a biological and objective reality, for humans as well as for other species. Some of the best scientific works on the subject have been collected and commented in this page. The notable advance of many scientific disciplines in the last century, for example of Genetics, leave no room to doubt of the validity of these conclusions. There is still ample field for research, though, and the proofs presented below must be regarded as a solid background from which to direct that research, rather than as a closed dogma without any further information to be discovered. At any rate, the case is proven that CULTURE AND SOCIETY ARE RACIAL CONSTRUCTS. Not the opposite.

By Doctor John Randal Baker

ISBN-10: 0936396040, ISBN-13: 978-0936396040
Published by National Vanguard Books, first edition, 1974
Hardcover, 643 pages

During the past fifty years the emphasis has been of the likeness, common features and equality of races. Yet interracial tensions and hostilities persist today as never before. Race, by Dr. John R. Baker, deals in an objective manner and informative way with the "ethnic problem". What is meant by "race", whether race can be related to intelligence, and whether or not one race can be considered "superior" to another. Written with a thoroughness uncharacteristic in the usual treatment of race, Race, is the only book that embraces history, biology, paleontology, the ancestry of man, his ascent to civilisation, and the psychology of race.

First reader review
By Sir Peter Medawar, O.M., F.R.S., Nobel laureate

No book known to me tries to encompass everything relevant to the idea of race with such honesty. The idea of race and raciality has been systematically depreciated for political or genuinely humanitarian reasons, and it was high time that someone wrote about race as Baker does, this is, in the spirit of a one-man Royal Commission.

Second reader review
By Arthur R. Jensen, University of California

A most impressive display of profound scholarship and vast erudition of every main aspect of this important topic. Recent studies of racial differences in cognitive and behavioural characteristics have generally overlooked or belittled the biological, anatomical, physiological and evolutionary lines of evidence which are highly germane to this discussion. Baker provides the essential basis upon which any objective, rational and scientific discussion of racial differences must proceed.

Third reader review
By Ren Dubois, Rockefeller University

With Professor Baker's book we have at last a compendium of biological facts about the various groups of men, a compendium that can provide a factual basis for discussions of racial differences.

Fourth reader review
By Steve Sailer, Chicago, 25th November 1998

Baker is an extraordinarily learned biologist, who approached the topic of race among humans with the same thoroughness that he brought to studying race among non-human animals.

Many of his data come from before political correctness completely enshrouded anthropology in the late 1960's, so the vocabulary often seems dated. Nonetheless, many of his views on the ancestry of different populations, based on morphology, linguistics, archaeology and the like, have been confirmed by recent genetic testing (see "History and Geography of Human Genes" by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza). Please read that book, do not just satisfy yourself with his deceitful cover stories about how politically correct his findings are.

Baker's focus in the concluding chapters is on different races' capabilities to found a civilisation. He gives a 23 point test of whether a culture can be reasonably considered a civilisation, and examines various races' accomplishments in this regard. This book is worth reading in tandem with Jared Diamond's Pulitzer prize-winning "Guns, Germs, and Steel", in which Diamond argues that every racial group in the world did as well as any other group could have done with the resources of that region. Baker anticipated a number of Diamond's arguments and refuted them (for instance, could sub-Saharan Africans have put elephants to work like Asians and Carthaginians did ?), but the truth probably lies somewhere between the two authors' views.

Baker's exploration of the capability of different groups to start true civilisations is certainly interesting, yet, I wonder how relevant this question is to the modern world. The Japanese, for example, have shown relatively little talent at originating a civilisation, but vast skill at borrowing others' novel ideas, adapting and often improving them. Similarly, the question of whether Africans could have invented a civilisation on their own is interesting, but it is not as germane as Baker seems to assume to the more pressing question of how blacks in the Americas can best fit into the existing American civilisation. Further, some groups that did little to build their own civilisations, and still seem to have a certain amount of trouble fitting into others' civilisations (for example sub-Saharan Africans, or Irish) have contributed an extraordinary amount to the culture of modern life.

Fifth reader review
Controversial or common sense approach to Race ?
By a customer, 17th December 1998

News and entertainment entities have almost always promoted the idea that to believe in any racial differences other than skin colour means that you are uneducated and ignorant. A torrent of scholarly books on the explosive subject of race have disproved that dogma. In the first part of his book, Baker examines the historical thought on race, from the earliest attempts to define who we are, to the recent Hitler era. In the third part, Baker approaches the issue from a biologic or taxonomic point of view. In order to diffuse the explosiveness of the issue, Dr. Baker examines the different races of various vertebrae animals and then moves on to more complex organisms: humans. The differences in racial characteristics increase in proportion to how closely the subject is examined, and Dr. Baker examines racial features right down to the most detailed physical attributes. In the fourth part, Dr. Baker examines the most critical attribute, that of intelligence and race. It is here that Dr. Baker treads onto late twentieth century taboos. Dr. Baker's conclusion surprised me when I first read the book, though he tempers his understanding of racial inequality with the statement that "no one can claim superiority simply because he belongs to a particular ethnic taxon".

Sixth reader review
By southpaw68, Florida

Baker's Race is not exactly meant for the amateur student of the "ethnic problem", as he puts it. It has a lot of intimidating zoological terms in the book, which are often not explained. He also has a tendency to use French, German, Greek and Latin words, and quotes without explaining what he means. It is assumed that you know them already. The book seems to be written for graduate students in biology and zoology and other academics. That being said, there are some interesting sections in the book that are not too pedantic, and I only gave up and skimmed through about thirty pages when Baker's scientific zeal to analyse his subject down to the minutest details got the better of me. I preferred Rushton's Race, Evolution and Behaviour over this one, because of its conciseness and readability. Both are committed to objectivity.

One of the best sections covers pre-colonial Africa, in which Baker chooses seven authors who were early explorers of Africa based on their ability to describe the societies accurately and objectively. He comes to the conclusion that S.W. Baker was the best writer of the seven because of his writing's humour and pathos, and his avoidance of tedious subjects such as tribal taxes. John Baker covers the cannibalism and the arbitrary and numerous executions that occurred in many of the tribes during the nineteenth century. There was not much law or value placed on life, one motion from the king could end the life of one of his subjects. There is a recounting of executions occurring after the death of one king's mother. Slavery was commonplace in pre-colonial Africa, in which captured tribes would become slaves of the tribe dominating over them. Slaves were traded among tribes also.

Before getting into the meat of his arguments, Baker likes to define important terms. Quoting a statement from the United Nations saying that we are all "equal", just because we are all of the same species, Baker goes on to try to define what is meant by the word "species". Looking at other animals in nature, such as birds, he finds that birds with very small differences usually do not mate with each other and therefore cannot be of the same species, even though they are very similar. However, he states that animals in confinement or domesticated become less choosy about their mates, and many hybrids begin to occur. He then says that humans in civilisation are the most domesticated of animals, and therefore have the greatest tendency to become hybridised, much more than you would see among wild animals in nature. He comes to ambivalent conclusions as to whether we be all of the same species, mainly because it cannot be proven that hybridised types could remain fertile over many generations.

The Europids are examined fairly well. To the taxonomist, skin colour is not an important factor in classifying race, so some taxon like the Aethiopids, who look Negrid to the untrained eye, are classified as predominately Europid by looking at the skull and other features of the body. It is in these other features that anthropologic differences are determined by the taxonomist. Speaking of the Europids in Europe, they are actually hybrids of three subraces predominating in different areas: the Nordid in Northron Europe, the Alpinid in Central Europe, and the Mediterranid in Southron Europe. Examples of hybrids would be the dark-haired Welsh in Britain, who are Nordids with some Mediterranid blood of people who settled there in early times, before the invasion of Nordid tribes like Jutes, Angles and Saxons (V Century), who eventually mixed with them. Some of the features of the different subraces are mentioned, such as the round head and stocky body of an Alpinid, as opposed to the narrow face and slender body of a Nordid.

Baker also examines the Jews, saying that Ashkenazi Jews are closely related to Armenians, a middle eastern Europid. There also seems to be some Orientalid blood in their lineage related to what are loosely called Arabs. There are also some unusual cases of a small percentage of people who are Jews by religion, but not related genetically to the Ashkenazi. There was a Khazar empire at one time that converted to Judaism, but their kingdom was destroyed by Russians in the X Century. They were not related to Ashkenazi Jews of today. Baker also covers the physical features of the Ashkenazi. The other important group of Jews is that of the Sefarad, who speak an old Spanish.

As far as the intelligence of the races go, Baker examines the IQ tests and the achievements of civilisation of the races. He looks at whether each race might have created an achievement by itself, or whether it might have merely borrowed an idea from another race. He comes to the conclusion that some Europid and Mongolid subraces have created their own civilisation, with other races just borrowing from it, or else not getting to the point of civilisation. He has a list of what would be an achievement that moves people from primitiveness to civilisation, such as whether or not they have invented the wheel, higher mathematics, language written in script referring to abstractions, a legal system, personal hygiene, or domestication of animals. Some American races got halfway to civilisation, such as Mayans, Aztecs or Incas, who had a high mathematics, but who did not know the use of the wheel, and other deficiencies that kept them from being a high civilisation.

After studying the IQ test results, Baker says that Europids and Mongolids have about the same IQ, with Americanids behind, and Negrids still farther behind. He also does an interesting examination of hybrids of whites and blacks in the United States, showing that as more Europid the hybrid was, the better he did on IQ tests. He looks at some of the black leaders, such as Dubois, and shows that these were actually Europids with a small amount of Negrid blood.

Seventh reader review
The ultimate insight into crucial aspects of race
By a customer, 18th February 2000

It was a very wise choice to provide a thorough, yet comprehensive book that promotes such lucid exposure of racial differences, in such a manner that not only it will not left anybody in doubt as to the existence of that reality, but that also provides certain historical digression, which includes the development of concept explaining why the study of race remains something like the last taboo among sociologists and biologists, given the exclusion of the racial factor in diverse studies, of anthropological, ethnological or historical kind, and one of clinical medicine in the name of aprioristic egalitarian idealism and "political correctness", can lead to the generation of false conclusions, as the author exemplifies trough essays on ethnicity and pseudoethnicity in the case of Celts, and questions the origin of modern Jews.

Also, a very well documented discourse is given on such issues as intellectual diferences amid diverse ethnic, racial and socio-economic groups with regard to cognitive powers of deduction. Wide range of implications deriving from constitutional differences amid selected races are given, for example in sport achievements. These and many other fundaments of racial anthropology are exposed in a manner extremely free of any prejudice, and although conclusions may left an impression of right-wing ideas, this is certainly not a specimen of pejorative racist literature. Although this book was published for the first time in 1974, it will remain worth reading for a long time. It is fundamental in the process of understanding the meaning of race.

The Passing of the Great Race: the Racial Basis of European History
By Madison Grant (American Immigration Collection)

First reader review
The First "Modern" Treatment of Race in The XX Century
By R. A. Merryman, 15th July 1999

Grant's "Passing of the Great Race", although barely known today (except amongst a few Racialists), was at its time a big seller. Former President Theodore Roosevelt (himself a Racialist, although more moderate than most in the movement on race) wrote a glowing review for the dust jacket, if I recall correctly. I had the chance of reading it some six months ago, and found that whilst some information is out of date and some concepts are flawed, many of the core ideas of the book are still sound. It was the first book of its day, to my knowledge, that properly divided the Caucasoid Race into modern categories (by-in-large ignoring the old terms, such as Teutonic or Aryan), although that is one division that is partly out of date.

The major arguments of the book are, first, that the Nordic subdivision of the white race is its most productive, but that it is being bred out as well as being killed in the World War by the 'lower' Europeans (which was a feature of Dr Lothrop Stoddard's "Rising Tide of Colour"), and second, that a sound Eugenics programme and a reduction in the wave of Eastron or Southron European immigration is desirable or it is even necessary (the massive Third World immigration wave was not even thought possible at that time). While I tend to disagree with many of the proposals in the book, it was one of the early pillars of Racialism in the 1920s, and it is still a pretty good read. One word of warning: this book is most certainly not for all tastes. The "Politically Correct", or for that matter, anyone of modern sensibilities, should not read it. Otherwise enjoy reading a good history, albeit biased.

Second reader review
By T.W. Hagen Brian, New Jersey, 18th September 2005

"The Passing of The Great Race" was one of the racialist books written between 1855 and 1920 that would strongly influence the National Socialist Party. The first was Count Gobineau's "The Inequality of The Human Races", the second was Houston Stewart Chamberlain's "The Foundations of The Nineteenth Century", the third was this one, and the fourth was Lothrop Stoddard's "The Rising Tide of Colour Against White World Supremacy". Grant was a lawyer and a conservationist, a firm believer in the Old Order, free of Bolshevism and Socialism and centred round an Anglo-Saxon culture. Grant always tried to portray himself as more scientific than romantic racial theorists such as Chamberlain, but Grant's theories actually have little scientific basis. For example, his division of Whites into Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean Races is anchored only on the basis of Nordic Scandinavians having blond hair, Alpine Slavs having brown hair, and Mediterranean Italians having black hair.

Even worse is Grant's lack of historical basis. He considers the French, the Southron Germans and the Poles to be a mix of Teutonic or of Celtic Nordic peoples with dark-haired Alpine peoples, who invaded Europe from Asia. But there has never been found any record or evidence of Asiatic peoples reaching France or Germany, at least not after the Celtic period (the exception would be the Hun invasion of Attila in the V century, but after their military defeat at Chalons, they did not stay in what is today France or Germany). His classification of Alpines is also very flimsy. He considers Southron Germans to be of Alpine stock, completely ignoring the fact that Southron Germans speak a Teutonic language and often have Teutonic features such as blond hair and blue eyes. He also considers the Walloons of Belgium to be Alpine, ignoring the fact that they are descendants of the Celtic Belgae, whom the Romans clearly described as being tall with blond or red hair, which sounds Nordic. He also claims that the Irish and Welsh have substantial amounts of Mediterranean blood, ignoring the fact that both those peoples are Celtic and often have blond or red hair.

The most puzzling part of the whole thing is how this book became so popular, when practically everyone is labelled as inferior. Grant considers the only pure Nordics to be people with blond hair and blue eyes, so, why did people like Theodore Roosevelt (who was brunett) endorse it ? Grant's book just lacks any spirit. I have read Chamberlain's "Foundations of The Nineteenth Century", and anyone of Celtic, Teutonic or Slavic stock, and anti-Semitic, will be riled up with the romanticism of the "Germanic" race being in constant battle for survival, against the Jews. Anyone of Celtic, German, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Polish or Baltic ancestry is included in this Germanic race, while Grant tends to alienate anyone without blond hair, blue-eyes, Anglo-Saxon or Swede, even putting Germans down as inferior.

This book should also be compared to Stoddard's "The Rising Tide of Colour", which was written four years later. Stoddard also went by the Nordic-Alpine- Mediterranean model, but focused less on this than on the White Race as a whole. Stoddard was a visionary, looking to White issue in the future. While Grant clamoured about keeping non-Nordic Russians or Italians out of North America, Stoddard warned that the real dangers are non-White Asians and Africans. Grant's book has little relevance to today's issues, as practically every White North American is a German-Irish-Polish-Italian mix in some degree. Stoddard, however, saw that all Whites had to band together against the "rising tide of colour".

Third reader review
Most Popular Book of Its Day
By a customer, 26th December 1998

Madison Grant's work is an intriguing summary of racial thought during his day. It was one of the bestsellers. It is not a scientific text book and should not be treated as such. Doctor Grant was thoroughly knowledgeable, however, with a chair in Zoology, and as the major proponent of Ecology in his day, he was the main force behind establishing Yellowstone natural park. His works, along with others by men like Doctor Lothrop Stoddard, heavily influenced future legislation in the 1930s, restricting immigration. One reading this book must look at it from the perspective from which it was written, and not by the anti-racist, bigoted perspective that many have today.

The Inequality of Human Races
By T. S. Arthur Count de Gobineau

ISBN-10: 0865274304, ISBN-13: 978-0865274303
Published by Howard Fertig, September 1999
Paperback, 232 pages
English translation of an original in French

Excerpt from the author, Chapter III:

I know the difficulty of my present task. That I should even venture to touch on it will seem a kind of paradox to many of my readers. People are convinced, and rightly convinced, that the good administration of good laws has a direct and powerful influence on the health of a people, and this conviction is so strong, that they attribute to such administration the mere fact that a human society goes on living at all. Here they are wrong. They would be right, of course, if it were true that nations could exist only in a state of well being, but we know that, like individuals, they can often go on for a long time, carrying within them the seeds of some fell disease, which may suddenly break out in a virulent form. If nations invariably died of their sufferings, not one would survive the first years of its growth, for it is precisely in those years that they show the worst administration, the worst laws, and the greatest disorder.

But in this respect they are the exact opposite of the human organism. The greatest enemy that the latter has to fear, especially in infancy, is a continuous series of illnesses, and it is known beforehand that there is no resisting these. To a society, however, such a series does no harm at all, and history gives us abundant proof that the body politic is always being cured of the longest, the most terrible and devastating attacks of disease, of which the worst forms are ill-conceived laws and an oppressive or negligent administration. The reader will understand that I am not speaking of the political existence of a centre of sovereignty, but of the life of a whole society, or the span of a whole civilisation.

First reader review
By Jeffrey Leach, Omaha, Nebraska, 15th November 2000

Frenchman Arthur De Gobineau was better known for his fictional novels, but he wrote this historical-philosophical-sociological work in the 1800's as a result of his lengthy travels throughout the world. Gobineau took his observations and attempted to come up with a cause that would explain the disparity that he observed amidst the different human races of the world. The result was a set of several volumes entitled "The Inequality of Human Races". This translation is of the first volume only, but it reveals the main thrust of De Gobineau's ideas, and gives the reader much information to mull over. I chose to read this book for a European history class, since the book influenced not only German political and social thought, but also reinforced European views towards colonisation and internal class struggles.

Gobineau begins his book by looking at popular reasons concerning the collapse of civilisations. Such ideas as bad government, fanaticism and luxury are addressed and dismissed by Gobineau. He believes that these are only symptoms of a degeneration of civilisations. His argument ultimately comes down to race mixing as the main cause of the decline of civilisation. Gobineau argues that civilisations that mix with peoples that are themselves incapable of any civilisation, will destroy that civilised society. In Gobineau's opinion, all problems can be found "in the blood", and these problems can be passed on.

Gobineau writes that there are two elements in blood, a male trait, which is concerned with materialistic aspirations, and a female trait, which is concerned with intellectual pursuits. Obviously a simplistic generalisation, since neither all men are materialist nor all women are intellectual. He sees Hindus as having this female trait, which accounts for their intellectual works in religion. Germans have the male trait, a materialistic drive to acquire land and possessions, to go forth and conquer. When these elements mix, the varying degrees can form or destroy civilisations. Gobineau also looks at such things as language, which he says can exhibit traits of civilisation. Lesser people can destroy a language by the fusion of their language with the better one. We have examples in the modern world, with many Latin Americans corrupting their language by incorporating, and deforming, plenty of English words. Or of French words in Gobineau's time.

Gobineau is also an elitist. He looks at French peasants and argues that the vast majority of them are completely uninterested in what constitutes civilisation, and are capable of only following the lead of the civilised. Does it sound confusing ? It is confusing. This book will take several readings to tease out every thing that Gobineau is trying to say. My biggest problem with the book is Gobineau's efforts to reduce the ills of the world to such a troubling argument. Does Gobineau make a case for his subject ? Well, yes, especially in the context of the nineteenth century.

An interesting book, and one that has had far reaching effects, even up to today. Whatever the reader may think, Gobineau cannot be dismissed as some irrelevant nutcase. His arguments are still being discussed today, which proves the importance of this topic. Good reading for the historian or the sociologist.

Second reader review
Direct and clear
By Ubraminos, Spain, 6th July 2000

An historical document. Its racist content makes it arguable. What kind of dog is the best ? Is a Rolls-Royce better than a Ferrari ? I do not know, but one thing I know for sure: they are different. Count Gobineau made his choice with human races judging their value by their achievements, but this is not a racist tiresome speech. Gobineau is a good argumentator, and a good writer who uses history to prove that he is right. The book is a good one, with only one problem: its subject. Dangerous books do not exist for those who are not dangerous readers, therefore this essay can be recommended.

Third reader review
Inequality of Human Races
By Zosimos, New Age of Barbarism, Europe, 23rd November 2004

The Inequality of Human Races, by Count Arthur de Gobineau, is a prophetic work from the nineteenth century, which shows the differences between the principal racial groups in terms of their civilising influence. De Gobineau was a French aristocrat and racialist who had an influence on Richard Wagner, and is believed to be a proto-theorist of National Socialism. Like Nietzsche, de Gobineau took a rather grim view of religion as a civilising influence and argued against "slave-morality". This book expounds his racial ideas. It begins by making the case that racial differences can in fact explain differences in civilisation and achievement. De Gobineau argues that neither luxury, effeminacy, misgovernment, fanaticism, nor the corruption of morals, is responsible for the decline and destruction of states, civilisations and peoples, but that mainly the mixing of the blood leads to this decline.

De Gobineau also argues in a series of successive chapters that racial inequalities are not the result of institutions, of the regions in which they live, or of the civilising influence of Christianity. He then proceeds to outline a series of comparisons from race to race and explains differences from a civilisation to another. De Gobineau argues that the white race is more capable of achieving great civilisation than either the yellow or the black race, and he explains various intermixtures of these three races. The Aryan influence on high culture cannot be denied, and de Gobineau explains his concept of Aryan supremacy. For de Gobineau, there exist a male and a female element within the blood. The male element constitutes, de Gobineau declares, "a material current" (Purusha), while the female element constitutes "an intellectual current" (Prakriti).

De Gobineau then goes on to place different races into each of these two categories, the Chinese being first inside the male (material) category and the Hindus first inside the female (intellectual) one. The author also discusses racial differences regarding beauty and language. He argues that races are intellectually unequal, and that different civilisations are mutually repulsive. De Gobineau ends his book with a recapitulation of the differences that exist amidst the black, yellow and white races, noting the superiority of the white race, and of the Aryan family within that race. He also includes a section outlining the great civilisations and their achievements.

Race, Evolution and Behaviour: A Life History Perspective
By J. Philippe Rushton

ISBN-10: 0965683621, ISBN-13: 978-0965683623
Published by Charles Darwin Research Institute, July 2000
Paperback, 106 pages, abridged second edition

Using evidence from anthropology, ethnology, sociology, psychology, and other scientific disciplines, this book shows that there are at least three biological races (or subspecies) of man: Yellows (Orientals, Mongoloids, Asians), Blacks (Negroids, Africans), and Whites (Caucasoids, Europeans). There are recognisable profiles for the three major racial groups on brain size, intelligence, personality and temperament, sexual behaviour and rates of fertility, maturation and longevity. The profiles clearly reveal that, ON AVERAGE, Yellows and their descendants round the world fall at one end of the continuum, Blacks and their descendants round the world fall at the other end, and Europeans and their descendants round the world regularly fall in between. This world-wide pattern clearly implies evolutionary and genetic causes, rather than purely social, political, economical or cultural causes.

First reader review
An incendiary thesis
By Malcolm W. Browne, New York Times Book Review

An incendiary thesis, to affirm that separate races of humans evolved different reproductive strategies to cope with different environments.

Second reader review
By Mark Snyderman, National Review

The book describes hundreds of studies, performed world-wide, which show a consistent pattern of human racial differences.

Third reader review
By Charles Murray, author of "The Bell Curve"

Rushton is a serious scholar who has assembled serious data.

Fourth reader review
Very relevant book for South Africa
By a customer, 25th July 2001

The scale of recent social problems in South Africa needs another explanation than the glib "nurture" argument with which we have been fed ever since the Second World War. This makes Rushton's book so relevant to understanding our situation. Despite huge efforts and money spent on black education, not only in separate schools under the apartheid system of years ago, but also now, less than half of black children obtain the most basic school-leaving qualification.

In fact, Rushton refers to some IQ testing done in conjunction with psychologists at the local liberal University of Witwatersrand, which shows that the mean IQ of first-year black university students is 84, consistent with the mean for their population at large, of 75.

All of Rushton's theory can be corroborated by everyday experience in South Africa: extreme violence and aggression displayed by young black males of low intelligence and high sex drives. This country has the highest rate for murder and rape in the world, 50 per 1000 members of the population, as against 8 per 1000 in the United States, and about 4 for Great Britain.

Also differential levels of demographic expansion predicted by his theory fits the South African case perfectly: over the past century blacks multiplied by 20, whereas whites only trebled (with the help of outside immigration of Europeans).

Despite a high degree of initial scepticism (I have also been trained in the liberal, politically correct mode of thought), I found all of Rushton's arguments very convincing, as well as the theory of the evolutionary split of 110 000 years ago between black Africans and the rest, and 40 000 years ago between Caucasians (whites) and Mongoloids (yellows). With my current knowledge of evolution, the latter was both fascinating and highly plausible.

Holding views like Rushton's in contemporary South Africa, under black rule, will probably land one in prison or at least make one liable for a big fine. And yet, given the level of violence experienced by whites who are being killed by the thousands, in the so-called "criminal" attacks, the tendency of different races towards aggression needs to be held up in broad daylight.

Rushton does not at all come across as a right-wing fanatic, rather more like a cool scientific mind, yet the issues addressed by him are of such relevance for South Africa and the rest of the world that it reminds one of Galileo confronting the Catholic Church, when he defended the Copernican thesis that the Earth revolves round the Sun, and he was damned for it. Despite the fundamentalist outrage at this kind of reasoning, courageous people every where need to go into a serious, scientific debate about race. Rushton has already made a significant contribution.

Fifth reader review
By Den Vilda Rebel, Asheville, North Carolina, 15th July 2001

The scientific evidence marshalled forth in this book is not only a scathing attack on the pseudo-scientific ramblings of Stephen Gould, Jared Diamond, Leon Kamin and the like, but an implicit denunciation of the political tendencies of the past thirty years that have elevated race-centric policies to a national (and international) obsession. Like all great scientific works of unimpeachable integrity, this book is apolitical, but it would be naive and simplistic to presume that this excellent work carry no social or political implications. Rushton makes this point in the introduction of the book when he quotes a famous sociologist, who openly admits that sociology does not exist as a value-free science, but to push the predominant values. Rushton's book is "controversial" and "incendiary" only because it conflicts with the aims of leftist politics. The science itself is solid and indisputable.

Underlying Rushton's explication of empirical race differences is what population geneticists refer to as the "r-K continuum". Without going into too much detail, the idea is that in order to cope with different environments, species adapt specific reproductive strategies to maximise gene-flow into the next generation. K-selected species devote more energy to nurturing their young and less to reproduction, while r-selected species trade-off parental support in favour of massive reproducing. While humans generally are at the K end of the spectrum (nurturing their young, when compared to some other species), it is possible to differentiate separate human populations (races) in their levels of parental nurturing of their children.

Rushton provides an overwhelming amount of empirical support, everything from brain size, maturation rates, dizygotic twinning, age of menarche, gestation periods, frequency of sexual intercourse, that shows the races consistently lining-up in the following order: Africans, Europeans, and East Asians, with East Asians being the most K-selected (the most nurturing) and Africans the least nurturing. The data ably refute the two theological, anti-scientific premises of egalitarianism:

1) "Race is not a valid scientific category", mindlessly say egalitarians.

2) "Race differences are due to environmental or cultural factors, not to Nature", they dare continue affirming.

Let us push the argument some more, and think about it in this way: either races are equal or they are not. Now, what evidence can an egalitarian put forth to make racial equality more plausible than racial inequality ? Compare and contrast the history of the European race with that of the African race. Since the world conforms quite perfectly to the theory of racial inequality, from what evidence does it make sense to infer that races be equal ? Equal "in dignity" ? What does it mean to say that ?

Since we are all part of Nature as evolutionary organisms, an amoeba is as respectable in dignity as it is a whale, or a bacterium as a sequoia. To place "dignity" only on humans, while denying that same dignity to all other living organisms, and while making that supposed "dignity" equal for all human races (and only for human races, not for the races of other species), is a clear characteristic of the disregard for scientific evidence that has always affected liberal fanatics, as well as it has affected fanatics of certain, well known, monotheistic religions.

Since the facts directly contradict the hypothesis of race equality, the burden of proof lies squarely on the shoulders of egalitarians. To those who still shudder at the prospect, however, I pose a simple question: if race equality be true, then why do we not observe it ? The question is highly relevant, because Science is based on the principle that a thesis has to be independently verifiable by observed evidence. Where is that evidence for "equality" ? Clearly, only in the imagination of the friends of "Les Droits de l'Homme et le Citoyen", of the empty-headed claimers of "Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite", and of the stupid defenders of such a non-existing notion as "human rights". Humans have no more "rights" than any other living being.

Many critics here and elsewhere seemed upset that Rushton did not provide a stark and clear dividing line between races. This, however, confuses the scientific concept of race. Is there a Siberian Husky gene to differentiate it from a Pit Bull gene ? Is there a lion gene to differentiate it from a tiger gene ? Of course not, yet no one has any intellectual confusion when thinking of dogs or cats in terms of breeds, so why can they not think of humans in terms of race ? Politics is the answer. Anthropocentric politics. Additionally, the critics bring up the fact that many Europeans have some African blood in them, and that many Africans have some European blood. Entirely true, but this in no way nullifies the concept of race, in fact it strengthens it. The fact that black-white hybrids have on average higher intelligence than full-blooded Africans, but less than full-blooded Europeans, proves that race is real, and not just a social construction. The critics suffer from the misnomer that race is an essentialist definition, and are therefore only successful in shooting down their own straw men.

Rushton's work is remarkable, and the attempt of trying to silence him only reflects the fact that the academia no longer embraces the unfettered pursuit of Science, but wishes to restrict whatever conflict might exist with leftist political aims. The growth of political liberalism over the last thirty years has been tied in some form or another to racial egalitarianism, civil-rights law, voting rights, school integration, affirmative action, reparations, massive immigration, the false notion that diversity is a strength, and the like. Modern political liberalism could not exist without all the racial egalitarian non-sense. A heavily mongrelised world would not show any diversity, its members would be undifferentiated hybrids without distinctive characteristics. Diversity only exists when separate races exist.

The false doctrine of egalitarianism is the oxygen that keeps liberalism pushing forward and advancing. While conservatives might make legitimate arguments against affirmative action or against uncontrolled immigration, they are conceding too much ground to liberalism. Rushton's work shows definitively that equality is a lie, and hence, that liberalism is a fraud.

Sixth reader review
Created unequal ?
By Antonio Nunez, Miami, Florida, 21st August 2007

What if we have been misled by modern thought, and humans REALLY ARE unequal from birth, in ways that cannot be solved by means of social policies ? In this interesting, but flawed book, Rushton finds from extensive research that this is precisely the case. He concludes that certain attributes are largely inheritable, starting with intelligence, but including sexual activities, extraversion and self-control, and that the three main races in the world (Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid) are not equally blessed: Negroids are less intelligent, more impulsive, and therefore more promiscuous and criminal than Caucasoids, who in turn are also less intelligent and more impulsive than Mongoloids. This is not very suprising, we all have seen this sort of data before, and it is consistent with stereotypes and everyday experiences.

What is interesting is that the author attempts to show that these differences are genetic in origin, and that they correspond with various reproductive strategies which in turn were dictated by various environmental stimuli as mediated by genes. All reproductive strategies may be placed within the r-K continuum. "r"-selected species go for big numbers when they attempt to reproduce. They do not provide much support for their spawn, but this is compensated by the number of these. "K"-selected species go for small number of children, but they invest a significant effort to make sure that they will survive. "r"-selected species, compared to the "K"-selected sort, will normally achieve reproductive capability at an earlier age, will be more promiscuous, more competitive and less cooperative. Their members will also die earlier.

Rushton postulates that although humans originated in Africa (thus supporting the "Out-of-Africa" thesis), the divergent strands (those remaining in Africa versus those that moved into Eurasia) are really subspecies of humanity that evolved in different ways concerning reproductive strategies. Those that stayed in Africa continued to be more "r" selected, whereas those that moved into Eurasia were subject to "K" selection to a greater degree. This would have been due to divergent climatic situations: in Africa the weather is unpredictable (there are mostly no seasons), there is much plant food, but there abound all sorts of viri and parasites, and droughts often annihilate big portions of the population.

In Eurasia, where until ten thousand years ago there was still Ice Age, the weather is predictable (there are seasons), there are not so many diseases, but it is difficult to survive the winter months, and hunting of big prey is required. Hence, humans became more "K" selected. They developed bigger brains, which are essential for higher intelligence, they became more cooperative, and they opted for stronger coupling and higher investment in a lower number of descendants (smaller number of sexual partners, but better selection thereof). These factors were even stronger in Asia than in Europe, because most Mongoloids developed in the Northron part of the Asian continent, where it was even colder. Rushton shows many data to support his analysis, and some evidence in favour of his r-K reproductive differentiation strategies as the source of the various outcomes.

The contentiousness of this analysis may not be overstated. Rushton believes that the average IQ in Africa is about 2 standard deviations below that in the United States, which would mean that more than three fourths of Africans are less intelligent than the average North American, and about half of the population in the black continent is feeble-minded. He believes that North American blacks are smarter than African ones, because they have mixed themselves with Europeans and Asians. If this be true, then many of the greatest issues of our time become suddendly clearer, but not more manageable.

The main reason why sub-Saharan Africa is now poorer than it was under European rule is not "racism", or negative terms of trade, or the poisoned inheritance of colonialism, but rather a population that is dumber, less self-controlled, and more risk-taking than others. As access to education and health becomes generalised and the labour markets more transparent, a greater part of social differentiation (at least in developed countries) will be due to differential individual abilities (mostly related to IQ) rather than to unfair social systems. If the differential abilities really be not invidual, but racial, then divergence of races will not narrow, but will widen, the fairer that the system be: only through restrictions on invidual actions will equality be viable. Liberty and justice really turn out to be incompatible. An example of that unjustice is the forcefully imposed quota of a certain number of blacks admitted into educational, professional, governmental or other institutions, in spite of the existence of demonstrably better prepared non-black candidates.

The implications of this world view are extreme, and would affect many fields of legislation, including policies toward less developed countries in matters from free trade to Aids, as well as criminal laws, educational curricula and immigration laws. It is not an exaggeration to state that if Rushton be right, many changes in policies, such as the elimination of the "separate but equal" doctrine in United States education, in the famous case of Brown versus the Board of Education. Decolonisation and Apartheid would have to be rethought. This makes it easy to see why proponents of equality of races would disagree with Rushton: if he be right, then there would be no reason for respecting self-determination in countries where the majority of the population are borderline morons, nor would there be any reason for lavishing significant funds for education of a local minority that is really incapable of much improvement.

Since social deviance is easy to predict from IQ tests, it would probably make sense to subject those of low intelligence to repressive police action even in the absence of actual crimes, and big portions of these would come from the Negroid race. And it would not be desirable to allow continued immigration of peoples who will surely drag down the average IQ of a country, commit more crimes than others, and generally make a nuisance of themselves by becoming dependent on the state. Rushton does not enunciate these conclusions, but they may be easily inferred from his analysis. People have been expelled from universities just for wearing t-shirts that hint that they might hold this type of view.

I agree with the author that one should not fear the truth, and that poorly constructed bromides are no substitutes for real understanding. We need less "feel-good" opinions and more realistic explanations of reality. So I should have expected Rushton to construct his arguments in a more thoughtful fashion than he has. Very clearly there is a genetic element in intelligence measured as IQ (the so-called "Spearman's g"), and it is surely true that IQ is an excellent predictor of success for both workers and executives, and of sexual behaviour or law-abidingness for everyone. While it is non-sensical to assume these factors away and to attribute all differential results to environmental circumstances (as many simplistically do), it is also incoherent to state, as Rushton does, that in these factors there are both genetic and environmental influences, while at the same time saying virtually nothing about their respective weights, and emphasising the former much more than the latter.

Rushton clearly believes that most of the differential performance of various groups is genetic in origin. One guesses this not just from this book, but from many of the reviews published in Amazon. This does not seem to be, for him, a scientific argument of theoretical interest, but a personal conviction with some emotional involvement. Normally, emotions in the researcher do not make for good science, although they may be part of the incentive for starting the research in the first place. For example, even though he goes as far enough as to estimate that Negroids are dumber because they have less brain tissue than Caucasoids or Mongoloids, he does not really give any reason of why such comparatively small differences in brain weight could generate such enormous variations in intelligence as he finds. The assumption that beyond a certain minimal brain weight required to run the body's processes, a small percentage of brain tissue has a disproportionate impact on total IQ, may be correct, but it demands some factual support. If it do not exist, then Rushton should have called this a working hypothesis, and left it at that.

There are other, interesting questions, that he does not answer. While I agree with him that the thesis of Jared Diamond on Eurasian success, versus Aboriginal African, American or Australian failure, is not satisfactory as explained only by geographical causes (because it does not even consider the possibility that genetics might be involved), I can also see that Rushton does not attempt to explain the enviromental impact on inferior performances by the various races, or even quantify it. He then leaves himself open to accusations that he is just tidying up, in the language of sociobiology, very traditional racist beliefs. While he concedes that there are some anomalies implicit in his world view (for instance, as the most "K"-selected race, Mongoloids should be bigger than Caucasians, who in turn should be bigger than Africans, whereas the reverse is normally the case), there are many that he does not even consider, and obvious ones at that.

If a harsh but predictable enviroment be a pre-condition for "K"-selection, then Eskimos should be most "K"-selected, and therefore the most intelligent. Is this the case ? And surely Mongolians are even more "K"-selected than Han Chinese, because Mongolians live farther North. Then, why did not the Chinese empire centre itself in Mongolia, or in Manchuria, rather than farther South, as it was the case ? Also, would it not make sense to suppose that North American Natives would be more "K"-selected than Central or South American ones ? Yet the great pre-Columbian civilisations were more between North and Central America (Aztecs and Mayas), and in South America (Incas), rather than in North America proper, where the natives never evolved beyond the hunter or gatherer phase, with only some tribes practising a primitive agriculture.

The Global Bell Curve: Race, IQ and Inequality World wide
Personality and Individual Differences
By Richard Lynn

ISBN: 1-59368-028-7, ISBN-13: 978-1593680282
Published by Washington Summit, Augusta, Georgia, 2008
Paperback, 378 pages

First reader review
By J.P. Rushton

As the title implies, Richard Lynn's book builds on Herrnstein and Murray's book The Bell Curve, of 1994. The theme of Lynn's book is an examination of whether the same type of racial hierarchy in IQ and socio-economic status that Herrnstein and Murray documented in the United States, be present or not in other parts of the world. Herrnstein and Murray found that the average IQ for blacks in North America is 85, lower than the 89 for Hispanics (although "Hispanic" is a geographic-linguistic concept and not a racial one, but let us for convenience separate that group), Whites of North European origin with 103, East Asians showing 106, and Jews reaching 113. Lynn shows in detail that similar racial IQs as compared to socio-economic hierarchies are present in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, other parts of Latin America, the Caribbean, Great Britain, Canada, and the Netherlands.

Throughout the world, Europeans and East Asians (mainly Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) average the highest IQs and socio-economic positions, while the lowest averages are found among the Aborigines in Australia, and in Africans and their descendants. Intermediate positions are occupied by the American Natives, South Asians from the Indian subcontinent, Maori of New Zealand, and the mixed race peoples in South Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. The same pattern is found on multifarious social and life history indicators, such as educational levels, earnings, health, accidents, crime, marriage, fertility, and mortality.

Lynn's book provides fascinating historical vignettes to describe all the migrations and mixing of peoples. It also provides clear tables of data, which allow the reader to check the facts for himself. For example, in Brazil, it is the Japanese who are the highest achieving population. Brazil had abolished slavery in 1888, and the Japanese started migration to the country in 1906, immediately after the Russian-Japanese War, as indentured labourers to work the plantations. Yet, today the Japanese outscore Whites on IQ tests, earn more, and are over-represented in university places. A whole quarter of central Sao Paulo, Liberdade, is predominantly Japanese. Although they are less than 1% of the total Brazilian population, they comprise 17% of the students at the elite University of Butanta in Sao Paulo.

In Caribbean countries such as Cuba, Trinidad and Guyana, it was the Chinese and South Asians who immigrated after the end of slavery. Subsequently, they too began to do well, with the Chinese excelling and the South Asians placing intermediate to Whites and Blacks. In Britain big numbers of Blacks from Africa and the Caribbean, and South Asians from Africa, India and Pakistan, began to enter the country in the 1950s and 1960s. Twenty-two studies find that black Africans or black Caribbeans have a median IQ of 86, which is similar to the black North American mean of 85. Twelve studies find the South Asians having a median IQ of 92. Also South Asians in Africa and Australia average intermediate to Whites and Blacks in IQ scores, in educational achievement, and in economic success.

At the other end of the IQ distribution, seven studies of Jews in Britain yield a median IQ of 110. In educational achievement, East Asians in Britain also outperform the indigenous Whites. Similarly in Australia, East Asians (mostly Chinese and Vietnamese) average higher than Whites in IQ, educational achievement, and earnings. Lynn describes pockets of ethnic Chinese elsewhere in the world, such as in Mexico, Argentina, and especially in Hawaii, where they also do well. In Canada too, there is an IQ hierarchy: Jews score 109, East Asians 101, Whites 100, American Natives 89, and Blacks only 84.

The results are remarkably consistent over time, place or situation, irrespective of the original status of the people, of the language, history, or political organisation of the country concerned.

Second reader review
(unidentified reader)

Richard Lynn's book shows that in many multi-racial countries, people of Jewish and East Asian ancestry average the highest in IQ and socio-economic position, Whites next, South Asians and Hispanics next, and those of African ancestry consistently average at the lowest levels. Lynn argues that the average population group differences in socio-economic position (education levels, earnings, welfare dependency) are due to their average differences in intelligence. Since these differences also translate into fertility patterns, with the lowest IQ populations having more children, the horrid specter of a dysgenic future is raised. Altogether the issues are discussed separately across 13 countries or areas of the world: the United States, Africa, Australia, Brazil, other parts of Latin America, Great Britain, Canada, the Caribbean, Hawaii, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia.

Third reader review
Another landmark book by Lynn
By Volkmar Weiss, 15th September 2008

For the last 25 years of IQ-research, the books by Richard Lynn are the only ones that are making a substantial difference. About 1980 the last but one step forward had been made by Arthur Jensen, Hans Jorgen Eysenck, Helmar Frank, Siegfried Lehrl, and myself, in discovering the relationship between elementary cognitive tasks and IQ, and hence working memory storage capacity. In a world where even the pages of such a journal as "Intelligence" are inflated with a lot of plagiarism and mediocrity, we had to wait long for such a new breakthrough, and we are struggling still for even a far greater one, the discovery of the genes underlying psychometric intelligence.

Even I myself, active in this field for 40 years, till then did believe that the low mean IQ scores of some populations were mainly the result of inadequate sampling, caused by social stratification of samples, and of environment. Since I read Lynn, I am convinced that population differences are not mere artefacts. This new book adresses IQ differences within various societies as different amongst them and as socially diverse as Brazil, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Southeast Asia, where social inequality is often correlated with racial stratification.

In 2002, after the publication of IQ and the Wealth of Nations and the preliminary reports of PISA 2000, I became aware that PISA tests can be understood as IQ tests and that the transformation of PISA scores into IQ results yields very similar numbers. Then PISA scores, mean 500, standard deviation 100, can easily be transformed into IQ values, mean 100, standard deviation 15, by adding or substracting the deviation from the mean in the relationship 100 : 15 = 6.67, thus a mean of PISA 433 corresponds to IQ 90, and PISA 567 to IQ 110 (if PISA 500 be set to be IQ 100). Heiner Rindermann in his publications has confirmed that PISA transformed scores of nations and social strata nearly identical with IQ means, published by Lynn.

The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less, the law of the vital few, states that for many events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. The power of a nation does not depend on its mere number of people, but on the percentage of its cognitive elite, optimised by social evolution. Highly intelligent people are networking, and the economic effect of networking is the square of the nodes of the network, this is in our case the square of the number of people involved.

Even within developed nations without substantial racial stratification the difference between prosperous and more backward regions amounts to 10 and more IQ points. For example, in Germany the IQ average of Bavaria is about 10 points higher than that of Bremen, in Italy the difference between Venice and Sicily is of 13 points; in Spain the difference between Aragon and Andalusia is of 8 points, and in North America the difference between New Hampshire and Mississipi is of 10 points. Such differences, possibly aggravated by internal migration between the economic core regions and the backward regions, but not always of such magnitude, will be found in any country. Within Brazil, the federal states of the South (Sancta Catharina, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul) have an average IQ and GDP per capita similar to South Europe and fourfold higher than the states in the North-East of Brazil.

As we know, political turmoil and ethnic cleansing can eliminate or drive away the gifted of a country, and within a very short time harm the economy for years to come. Highly-skilled citizens from stagnating economies are unlikely to merely watch their standard of living decline, and they will vote with their feet. Their migration amplifies economic divergence. There are three types of men: men with IQ above 123, who invent or construct machines, men with IQ above 104, who repair machines, and men with IQ lower than 100, who merely use machines. In a country where there exist not enough men with IQ above 123 to construct, or with IQ above 104 to repair, for example a bridge, sooner or later traffic by railway or by road will break down. This is one of the messages of this extraordinary book.

In my youth in former communist East-Germany it was forbidden to listen to the short wave broadcasts of "The Voice of America: a free voice in a free world". Therefore, it is very disconcerting for me to read in a foreword by the publishers: "We are distinguished by the fact that we are not a publisher of choice, but one of last resort. We celebrate that status as it grows directly from our resolve not to tolerate the strictures of political correctness. Our authors come to us after having been worn to a nub by rejection slips from established houses that only a few years ago would have been figthing for their manuscripts. But now a velvet tyranny seeks to oppress the mind".

Fourth reader review
Why the racial hierarchy ?
By Alexander Kemestrios Ben, Allendale, USA, 31st August 2008

The latest offering in Lynn's vast and ever growing corpus of works is perhaps his most convincing. The Global Bell Curve synthesises all of his vast research on race and intelligence, takes the basic idea of The Bell Curve, and expands it world-wide. The breadth of scholarship and explanatory power of Lynn's framework are tremendous. Liberal equalitarian dogma's aside, the evidence that Lynn lays out clearly shows that there are racial differences in intelligence and in achievement. Further, by utilising intelligence, Lynn has an extremely parsimonious theory. Most social scientists explain the low achievement of blacks in North America by recourse to "racism". However, this explanation is hard to believe because North East Asians and Jews have certainly experienced similar "racism", yet they have achieved high levels of socio-economic status in almost every nation. Lynn's explanation cuts through this obfuscation.

It is hard to give this book a five star rating, however. The quality of the book is mediocre, at best. Typographic errors appear on many pages, tables are double printed, or incomprehensible, the writing style is inconsistent.

Yet, in spite of all these flaws, which may or may not be minor depending on your politics, the book still presents a challenge to many bromides of our era. The evidence on race, IQ and achievement is accumulating, and it seems to be falling in one direction. For those concerned with real science and for those willing to let go of the current moralistic fallacy, such evidence demands an explanation. The real question is: Can anybody take the world-wide data and come up with a more satisfactory explanation ? If not, then I suggest that Lynn's conclusions are provisionally accepted. Science is science, data are data. We do not get to pick and choose which data we accept based on our own whims.

Fifth reader review
Refutes Egalitarian Theories of Racial Differences in IQ
By Kevin T. Lamb, 31st August 2008

Richard Lynn surveys the mounting evidence from the psychometric literature to support his thesis that the book "The Bell Curve", authored by Herrnstein and Murray and published in 1994, offers an irrefutable explanation for racial inequalities in multiracial societies. The gist of Lynn's thesis is that sociological paradigms (saying that global racial inequalities are the result of social class differences or of discrimination) inadequately explain these lingering racial inequalities. Lynn presents a logical case that average differences in IQ levels and in achievement provide a better explanation for this global pattern of racial disparities. The book is a necessary reading for anyone interested in the field of IQ research.

The biggest disappointment and the main reason why the book does not warrant a five-star rating is not the content, it is the book's mediocre design and the overall lack of professional editing. Tables of data are presented in a virtually unreadable format, which paralyses the attention span of the reader. Inconsistencies of style are rampant throughout the text. A desperate and awkward plea for donations, placed by the publisher in the inside front cover, undermines the legitimacy of the author's scholarship, and somewhat cheapens his case for an otherwise solid account of a much-needed alternative to the popular egalitarian fallacies of persistent racial inequalities in multiracial societies.

Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis
By Richard Lynn

ISBN-10: 1593680201, ISBN-13: 978-1593680206
Published by Washington Summit, March 2006
Hardcover, 338 pages

Richard Lynn graduated in Psychology and took his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge. He has been lecturer in Psychology at the University of Exeter, professor of Psychology at the Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, and professor and head of the department of Psychology at the University of Ulster. His main work has been on intelligence and personality. His books include Personality and National Character (1972), Dimensions of Personality (1980), Educational Achievement in Japan (1988), Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations (1996), Eugenics: A Reassessment (2001) and jointly with Tatu Vanhanen, IQ and the Wealth of Nations (2002).

Awards that he has received include the Passingham Prize, Cambridge University Prize for the best Psychology student of the year, and the US Mensa Awards for Excellence 1985 and 1993 for work on intelligence.

Richard Lynn, one of the leading researchers on intelligence and personality and the author of several major books on IQ and personality research, in this landmark work summarises what one scholar has described as the definitive study of race differences in intelligence. Since 1977, Richard Lynn has blazed a pioneering trail of research on racial differences in IQ. In previous books and scientific articles, Lynn has explored dysgenic trends in intelligence, sex differences in IQ, psychopathic personality traits, and the dimensions of personality and national character. In this book, Lynn analyses the results of over 500 published studies that span ten population groups, races and sub-races world-wide in what is certain to be a path breaking book for IQ experts and educated laymen alike.

This comprehensive review of world-wide racial differences of general intelligence explores the formation of races, meaning of intelligence, validity of race differences in IQ, environmental and genetic correlates of intelligence, the relationship between brain size and intelligence, the evolution of racial differences in intelligence, and the factor of racial hybrids. In a relentlessly methodical approach, Lynn expands upon an extensive array of research findings from the biomedical and social sciences, including the latest studies from the fields of behaviour genetics, evolutionary psychology, ethnology and anthropology in reaching his thought-provoking conclusions. Extensively referenced, this exhaustive study of race and IQ is a milestone accomplishment and should serve as the yardstick by which future research shall be measured.

The IQs of the races can be explained as having risen from the different environments in which they evolved for thousands of years, and in particular from the ice ages in the Northron hemisphere, exerting selection pressures for greater intelligence for survival during cold winters, and in addition from the appearance of mutations for higher intelligence in races with bigger populations and under the greatest cold stress. IQ differences amidst races explain the differences in achievement in making the Neolithic transition from hunter-gatherer to settled agriculture, in the building of early civilisations, and in the development of mature civilisations during the last two thousand years.

The position of some environmentalists, who say that over the course of about a hundred thousand years peoples separated by geographical barriers in different parts of the world evolved into ten different races with pronounced genetic differences in morphology, blood groups, and the incidence of genetic diseases, and yet they all have identical genotypes for intelligence, is so improbable a position, that those who advance it must be totally ignorant of the basic principles of evolutionary biology, or they have a political bias to deny the importance of race. Or both, they are ignorant and biased.

First reader review
Winters Are Good For Your IQ Genes
By J. P. Rushton University of Western Ontario, 23rd March 2006

The book's central finding: the world average IQ is no more than 90, and in general it tends to decline from North to South (in the Northron Hemisphere). An IQ of 90 is equivalent to the mental age of an average 14-year old White. Standard IQ tests are normed to 100, the mental age of the average 16-year old White. Lynn also draws attention to the fact that a North to South IQ continuum has evolved, probably through evolution for survival in cold Boreal winters (cold Austral winters are restricted to the South of South America, where human populations have always been too scarce for statistical analysis).

These findings in Lynn's latest book have profound geopolitical significance. They imply that it may simply not be possible to transmit Westron-style democratic and economic systems to the populations of Latin America or to the Muslims of North Africa and the Middle East, let alone to sub-Saharan Africa. They mean that the world's long-term problems will stem from its populations' capabilities, much deeper and more intractable than from any competition in the style of "Clash of Civilisations" amidst different political concepts.

The implications for immigration are obvious: it can have fundamental and permanent consequences.

Lynn's book reviews more than 500 published IQ studies world-wide from the beginning of the twentieth century up to the present, devoting a chapter to each of the ten "genetic clusters", or population groups, as identified by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza and his colleagues in their mammoth 1994 book, The History and Geography of Human Genes.

Lynn regards these genetic clusters as races. He concludes that the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) have the highest mean IQ at 105. Europeans follow with an IQ of 100. Some ways below these are the Eskimos (IQ 91), South East Asians (IQ 87), Native Americans (IQ 87), Pacific Islanders (IQ 85), South Asians and North Africans (IQ 84). Well below these come the sub-Saharan Africans (IQ 67) followed by the Australian Aborigines (IQ 62). The lowest scoring are the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert together with the Pygmies of the Congo rain forests (IQ 54).

After the ten chapters setting out the evidence for the average IQ of each of these ten races, there follows a chapter on the reliability and validity of the measures. These show that, although additional evidence may be required to confirm some of the racial IQ estimates, many have very high reliability in the sense that different studies give closely similar results. For instance, East Asians invariably obtain high IQs, not only in their own native homelands but also in Singapore, Malaysia, Hawaii and North America.

To establish the validity of the racial IQs, Lynn shows that they correlate highly with performance in international studies of achievement in mathematics and science. And that racial IQs also correlate with national economic development. This means that they can help to explain why some countries are rich and others are poor. It is not mainly "because of their natural resources", but much more because of their human resources.

The last three chapters concern the book's subtitle, An Evolutionary Analysis. They discuss how race differences in intelligence have evolved.

Lynn argues that as early humans migrated out of Africa, they encountered the cognitively demanding problem of having to survive cold winters where there were no plant foods and they had to hunt, sometimes big game. They also had to solve the problem of keeping warm. This required greater intelligence than was needed in tropical or semi-tropical equatorial Africa, where plant foods are plentiful throughout the year. Lynn shows that race differences in brain size and intelligence are closely associated with low winter temperatures in the regions where they inhabit. He gives a figure of 1282 cc for the average brain size of sub-Saharan Africans, as compared with 1367 cc for Europeans and 1416 cc for East Asians.

Since I have argued many of the same positions as Lynn, I shall add that Lynn's brain size data are backed by a great deal of independent and of converging evidence, including measures of brain weights at autopsy, endocranial volume and external head size. My book provides many details of individual studies. Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging studies make clear that the relation between brain size and intelligence is highly reliable. Lynn is on very safe ground in his statements here.

Second reader review
Case proved. Time to move the research on
By Nigel Seel, Andover, United Kingdom, 25th March 2006

It would be difficult to fail to discriminate between Pygmies, Swedes, Japanese, Native Americans and Australian Aborigines. Wearing evolutionary spectacles, physical differences are clear racial adaptations to different environmental conditions, with climatic adaptations being particularly evident. Why levels of intelligence would not also have been differentially evolved from one race to another ?

The first chapter defines "intelligence" and motivates why IQ is a measure of it. The second chapter justifies the concept of "race", depressing as this is thought to be necessary, and makes the argument of the first paragraph above.

Chapters third to twelfth then itemise in great detail the results of numerous intelligence tests given to nine racially-distinguished populations: Europeans, Sub-Saharan Africans, Bushmen and Pygmies, South Asians (Middle East, India, Pakistan) and North Africans, Australian Aborigines, Pacific Islanders, East Asians (China, Japan), Arctic People and Native Americans.

Base-lining Europeans at IQ = 100, Sub-Saharan Africans come out at about 67. Corrected for poor environmental conditions, Lynn estimates the genotypic IQ (the mean IQ that Africans would have if they had been raised in the same environment as Europeans) as about 80, although after all, Africans are in the conditions that they are mainly because in the course of their evolution they have created those conditions. Conversely, East Asians seem to have IQs centred round 105 (page 130), while some populations of Ashkenazi Jews have mean IQs between 107-115 (page 94).

Chapters thirteenth to seventeenth summarise racial differences, and propose an explanation based on the geographic radiation of Homo sapiens sapiens out of Africa, the resulting geographical isolation of sub-populations, and the impact of two ice-ages (the first from 70 000 to 50 000 years ago, and then the more severe Wurm glaciation from 28 000 to 10 000 years ago). Those glaciations were a probation for the less-intelligent in those racial groups most exposed to Arctic conditions, as well as driving the more obvious physiological adaptations. The East Asians were particularly stressed by harsh conditions North of the Himalayas and East of the Gobi Desert.

I have some quibbles. Lynn's timeline of geographic dispersal makes no mention of the Toba volcanic event, about 70 000 or 75 000 years ago, which has been supposed as probably having created a genetic bottleneck. If today's races have emerged from a radiation out of East Africa that post-dated the Toba event, how would that post-Toba radiation have affected the argument ?

Secondly, the early evolution within East Africa (page 225) is poorly argued. The contemporary IQ of 67 is not the one to use, as it factors in present-day malnutrition. In the "environment of evolutionary adaptedness", this would not have been the case, so why not use 80 ? Lynn then appears to suggest that there is a "continual directional evolution for intelligence", based on its utility, as if species always got smarter and smarter. However, intelligence comes with big costs, in terms of the energy required for big brains, so one would expect instead an equilibrium where a species is no smarter than it has need to be. Therefore, rather than a drift to smartness in Africa, is it not more likely to see waves of replacement populations radiating from groups who got smarter in more isolated niches where they were more stressed ?

This is not a coffee-table read. It is somewhere between a scientific book for the academic community and a popularisation. I think that Lynn hopes to move the goal posts, so that we can move onto some of the interesting consequential issues clearly identified in his research programme. If at times he seems to stray into IQ-reductionism, this is probably symptomatic of the existing research community being currently below critical mass.

There may well be important implications of public policy derived from the aggregated results of the research, summarised and theorised in this book. But rightly, those implications are not addressed here.

Third reader review
Cornucopia of interesting facts
By Barbara A. Oakley, Rochester, United States, 21st June 2006

This superbly-researched and thought-provoking work is a must-read for anyone interested in trying to understand "big picture" human history, and to make sharp policy decisions that are based on facts as well as good intentions. The book is eminently readable, but it contains so much information, that sometimes it is easy to miss material. For example, another reviewer has stated that Lynn "surprisingly forgets to connect his IQ data with historical facts, such as that the first great civilisations emerged in the Near East and Northron Africa, not in Northron, Central or Eastron Europe..."

In fact that point is addressed at page 237, where Lynn discusses the retreat of the glaciar ice sheets, which still left heavily forested, cold regions in Northron Europe, but which left in Southron Europe milder areas that allowed for civilisations to gain a toehold. This book is perhaps fundamental in its discussions of the importance of micronutrients, a factor that is possible to improve. Highly recommended.

Why Race Matters
By Michael Levin

ISBN-10: 0965638359, ISBN-13: 978-0965638357
Published by New Century Books, November 2005
Paperback, 415 pages

Michael Levin's 1997 masterpiece "Why Race Matters" quickly became a classic, and just as quickly went out of print. Used copies of the hard cover edition have sold for up to $500.00. New Century Foundation is proud to offer this affordable softcover edition. It includes every word of the original, plus a new foreword by Jared Taylor.

First reader review
By Jared Taylor
Editor of American Renaissance magazine
Author of the book "Paved with Good Intentions"

Why Race Matters does exactly what the title promises, it removes all illusions about the insignificance of race.

Second reader review
By Arthur R. Jensen, University of California at Berkeley

Levin's mastery of the subject is evinced in his book's amazingly broad and detailed scope, and analytical depth.

Third reader review
By J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario

Philosopher Michael Levin has delivered one of the most authoritative and incisive treatises on the importance of race ever written. Why Race Matters is a must reading for anyone interested in the debates on race, IQ, crime, welfare, affirmative action, and multiculturalism. Levin cross-examines the stockpiles of statistical data, psychological test scores, and behavioural genetic analyses to illuminate brilliantly the logical pitfalls and stumbling blocks in so much of what has been written on the subject. His powerful logic digs deep, and his courageous inferences vault forward. With panache and the occasional snort of humour, Levin seems to be always bang on target.

I especially recommended this book when it first came out in conjunction with my own book "Race, Evolution, and Behaviour", but now I should definitely add Richard Lynn's two books of 2006 as well.

Fourth reader review
Rebuttal to R. Nelson
By Steven Farron (Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa), 17th February 2009

The purpose of this review is to refute some of the blatantly false assertions declared in R. Nelson's review "Bell Curve beat him to the punch, overall ineffective".

First, if the question of why Black children are incapable of learning involved only poor Blacks, then genetic deficiency would not be an obvious answer. However, everyone who has studied this problem knows that the real question is why the children of Black doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, or other Black professionals, do worse in school and academic tests than the children of White or Yellow manual workers. Moreover, study after study has found that Black parents value academic achievement more highly than White parents value, that they give their children more academic help than White parents give, that Black children do more homework than White children do, that Black children have a higher estimation of their own intelligence than White children have, and that Black children hold higher expectations of future academic attainment (written in "The Affirmative Action Hoax" by Steven Farron, pages 75 to 90).

Second, the description of Jewish, Arab or Korean store owners "sucking the blood from these poor neighbourhoods" shows an incredible lack of elementary common sense. The reason why these people own stores in Black neighbourhoods is precisely that they offer better products at lower prices than competitors do. Would these neighbourhoods be better off without them ? Let us look at an example. In most of East Africa, Indians (from India) owned nearly every retail outlet (in many areas, every one of them). When Indians were driven out by government expulsion (as in the Uganda of Idi Amin), or also by mob violence, then Black owners did not come to replace the Indian owners. As a consequence, the commercial life of these towns declined from main streets full of busy shops, to simple open-air markets of hawkers or fruit-sellers sitting in the mud (written in "Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Cape Town" by P. Theroux, pages 285 to 344).

Third, no one who have read a single speech that Abraham Lincoln made after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, could possibly think that he did not care whether slavery existed or not. In his first public response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act (at Peoria, October 1854), he said: "I cannot but hate slavery. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself". He repeated those words often, including them in his first debate with Stephen Douglas in their contest for senator from Illinois in 1858. In that election, the Republicans got more votes, although Douglas was elected, and Illinois may have been the most racist non-slave state in the Union.

Fourth, in the presidential election of 1860 the Republican Party's campaign centred round the "evil of slavery", and on opposition to its extension (written in "The Ideology of the Republican Party before the War" by E. Foner), and Abraham Lincoln carried the relative majority in every non-slave state except New Jersey, where he gained half of the electoral votes.

Fifth, the North began the War to preserve the Union, or so their own propaganda ran until mid war, but after 1st January 1863 (Emancipation Proclamation) its purpose was to end slavery. Has Nelson never read the speech made by Lincoln known as "Gettysburg Address" ?

Sixth, Blacks definitely benefit greatly from the presence of Whites, though not from their benevolence. The higher the proportion of Whites amidst whom Blacks live, the better off Blacks are. During the 1980s, when South Africa was ruled by a White government execrated by racial egalitarians, it still attracted 1.5 million Black immigrants from Black-ruled African countries (written in "South Africa's War against Capitalism" by W. Williams, page 147). Blacks in Brazil live better than Blacks in South Africa, and Blacks in North America live even better than Blacks in Brazil. This follows the proportion of Whites in those geographical areas.

Seventh, the most careful, extensive, and cited study of White-Black adoption found that the average IQ of interracial Black-White children adopted in infancy was nearly exactly half-way between the average IQ of White and Black children who were raised from infancy by the same families (written in "Intelligence 19, 1 (1994)", pages 13 to 27).

Eighth, In North America, Northron Blacks have a much higher proportion of White genetic input than Southron Blacks.

Ninth, the relative academic or occupational success of Jews, Nordics, Italians, Irish, Latins in general (of any race, excepting Italians or other specific groups of Latins), and Blacks, strikingly confirms the importance of IQ. Their average IQ differs in exactly that order.

Fifth reader review
Thank God for Jewish intellectuals
By Rising Sun, 13th January 2008

Two different interpretations of the book:

1. From a non-racial and non-political interpretation, it has to be admitted that this is a very well-written book. But before you buy the book, be warned that it is written at a graduate level. It is very high-brows, so you will most likely need a dictionary at hand as you go through the book, no matter what your IQ. The frequent use of high-level mathematics by a philosophy professor is also impressive. The bibliography at the end is very lengthy, showing the extensive research that Doctor Levin went through in writing the book. So, just from this perspective alone, the book deserves 5 stars.

2. A review for the hardback edition made the comparison to Galileo: "My dear Kepler, what would you say of the learned men here, who replete with the pertinacity of the asp, have steadfastly refused to cast a glance through the telescope ? What shall we make of this ? Shall we laugh or shall we cry ?" (Letter from Galileo Galilei to Johannes Kepler).

That comparison is very accurate. There seems to be so much emotion and hatred directed toward anyone who, like any good liberal is supposed to do, look at the scientific evidence and come to a conclusion. In the same way that heliocentrism was eventually shown to be a more accurate explanation of the universe than geocentrism, Doctor Levin does a good job at objectively analysing scientific evidence, and coming to the conclusion that DNA rather than cultural environment is the most plausible explanation for observed human differences. And that DNA plays a major role in creating the cultural environment itself. An excellent point that he makes is the research on the intelligence of identical twins, which suggests that their IQ's are mostly genetic in origin. Regrettably, those ignorants who have swallowed liberal falacies do not want even to cast a glance through the telescope. For them, racial equality is a religious dogma. The view through the telescope would destroy the dogma. They choose to remain ignorant and fanatic liberals.

Shall we laugh or shall we cry ?

A Race Against Time: Racial Heresies for the XXI Century
Collection of essays by different authors

ISBN-10: 0965638324, ISBN-13: 978-0965638326
Published by New Century Foundation, in September 2003
Paperback, 347 pages

What does the future hold for the European Civilisation ? Will our highly achieving civilisation give way before waves of Third World newcomers ? Will it gradually perish as a consequence ? It is increasingly clear that race and civilisation cannot be separated, that only the people who created a culture can sustain it. If Third World immigration change the face of North America or of Europe, nothing else will remain unchanged.

This collection of essays explains why Westron man can save himself and his heritage only by returning to a better understanding of race, an understanding that is now reviled as heresy.

First Sentence:

Everyone knows that during the last fifty years or so there have been fundamental changes in the ways that many North Americans think about race.

First reader review
By Paul Gottfried
Author of the book
"After Liberalism and Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt"

A Race Against Time represents a courageous counterassault by serious opponents of the supposed "diversity". A "diversity" that would really end, in the long run, in an undiverse world populated by undifferentiated hybrids.

Second reader review
By Richard Lynn
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Ulster

American Renaissance represents a movement that may now seem marginal, but which has the unstoppable momentum of truth.

Third reader review
By Samuel Francis
Nationally Syndicated Columnist

This collection offers the best informed, most serious and most honest discussion of race that North America has seen in many years.

Fourth reader review
What this book is, what this book is not
By Reviewer, 20th July 2004

Another reviewer claims that the book is filled with "hate" and with "antisemitism". An odd assertion, since one of the writers, Michael Levin, is a Jew. The reviewer obviously has not read the book, because he makes wild assertions that it contains passages about "Jews controlling the world".

It does nothing of the kind. The intelligent reader must entirely disregard unsubstantiated claims like that one. They are written by prejudiced liberals, and meant to scare readers away from the real issues.

There is not an ounce of "hate" in this book, and intelligent readers have come to realise that those who scream of "hate" and "racism", really have no recourse to the powerful arguments presented in the book.

The book is a collection of essays from American Renaissance magazine. Yes, Jared Taylor is a "controversial" author with a "controversial" magazine and a "controversial" Web site, which covers race relations from a scientific, historical, philosophical and current perspective (which is roughly how the book is divided). I admit that I have found the ideas, and even the idea of American Renaissance itself, uncomfortable. But reason kept speaking to me.

The two most important things for which I walked away from reading this book are the following:

First, much as liberals detest creationists, the liberal left is far more guilty when it comes to ideology trumping science, because it consciously ignores all the overwhelming scientific data about racial differences. Many of those data are covered in the book.

Second, "diversity" and "multiculturalism" are ONE WAY streets for Whites. Every racial or ethnic activist group that demand that the United States open their borders, demand racial or ethnic solidarity amongst their own. Thus a Mexican activist group has no problem demanding open borders for the United States, but they also support the militarisation and protection of Mexico's border from Guatemala.

Think about it. If it be prejudiced for Whites to ask the country to be more White, why is it acceptable for, say Hispanics, to demand that they must be more Hispanic ?

Whether you be liberal or conservative, this book will challenge a lot of your assumptions, especially scientific ones, and make you realise that other than out of inertia and dogma, current views about races (that there are no basic differences) are as scientific as the notion of the flat Earth.

Anytime that people are name-calling the other, chances are that they have not a reasonable rebuttal.

Fifth reader review
Wow ! I am NOT alone !
By M. Caelius, 27th June 2006

This book states what most thinking people know via everyday observation, but due to this period of "thought control", they are unfortunately afraid to discuss with each other, except in hushed tones behind closed doors. Nature and evolution are neither good nor bad, neither fair nor unfair, they simply are, and to try manufacturing egalitarian fantasies to the unquestioned inherent intellectual and moral equality of all, is usually transparent to most with eyes, ears and a functioning brain. European man did not invent Voodoo or female genital mutilation, but his science and technology landed man on the Moon and invented the Internet, besides many thousands of other achievements. This is not fiction, this is fact. Black Africans, or their descendants anywhere in the world, cannot claim even a fraction of all that.

This book is very well thought, very well written, and a dire warning on the bleak future of the civilised world, this is, Asian eurocentric culture, and scientific advancement if we continue with our social fantasies and tolerance for outright lies by the academic and political powers that be. In all of Nature, there are species and races of creatures that excel, those who for one reason or another stagnate and die, and those who are parasitic. This book humbly attempts to touch on some of these fundamental questions without hate, but in a neutral and dispassionate manner. I have rated it four instead of five stars, because I have been a bit disappointed with the authors lack of regard for the benefits of Buddhist thought, over their straight sole preference for Christianity. But read it yourself with an OPEN mind, and you may realise that you are not alone either !

Sixth reader review
Reveals The Truth about Racial Differences
By G. Corderman, Northron California Mountains, 13th November 2005

I first read "The Bell Curve" from cover to cover, which finally opened my eyes to the reality of race and genetic differences that have serious, and by many ignored, social and historical implications.

I then read "A Race Against Time", which was just as enlightening. In one text you get a variety of views and perspectives on race and the challenges faced by White North America. It is a must read to bring you up to speed on the facts of race. I am now reading "Race, Evolution and Behaviour", by J. Philippe Rushton. This book is your best investment in reading the facts about race and impacts.

Bibliography. Some other researches on racial differences

Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations (Human Evolution, Behaviour and Intelligence), by Richard Lynn
Dysgenic fertility, eugenic fertility and psychopathic personality.

Race And Ethnicity In North America (Meeting The Challenge In The XXI Century), by Gail E. Thomas
White rate, Black underclass, Native Americans.

Race and the American Prospect (Racial Realities of Our Nation and Our Time), by Samuel Francis
Racial revolution, psychopathic personality and White racial consciousness.

Scientific and Social Policy Implications of Racial Differences, by Kevin Lamb

Path to National Suicide: Immigration and Multiculturalism, by Lawrence Auster

Race and the American Prospect: Essays on Racial Realities, by Samuel Francis

The Emperor's New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race, by Joseph L. Graves

The 10 000 Year Explosion: How Civilisation Accelerated Human Evolution

The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure, by Charles A. Murray

The History and Geography of Human Genes, by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza

Us and Them: Understanding Your Tribal Mind, by David Berreby

Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, by Donald C. Johanson

The Myth of Race in North America, by Joseph Graves

The Culture of Critique, by Kevin B. MacDonald

Churchill and Hitler, by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Mismeasure of Man, by Stephen Jay Gould

Paved with Good Intentions, by Jared Taylor

A Terrible Revenge, by Alfred M. De Zayas

The Camp of the Saints, by Jean Raspail

Social Psychology, by Elliot Aronson

African Exodus, by Chris Stringer

Equal Justice, by Eric Rakowski

Mental Content, by Colin McGinn

Child Development, by Brown

IQ and Global Inequality

The Decline of the West


Hyper links

Walkyrien who take our dead heroes to Walhalla in Asgard
Walkyrien who take our dead heroes to Walhalla in Asgard.

Short recent history of the ancient Germanic religion

The ancestral religion of the Germanic peoples who inhabited the North of Europe since pre-historic times is known by the names of Asatrú, Forn Sed or Odinism. "Asatrú" might be translated as "The Truth of the Gods", "Forn Sed" as "Old Way" or "Traditional Way of Life", and "Odinism" refers to Odin, the chief God of the Germanic pantheon. Forced to a gradual retreat by the advance of Christianism, Asatrú survived for centuries in various forms, especially in literary form and in folk-lore, in Iceland, Scandinavia, Germany, Britain and some other parts of Nordic Europe. In Lapland (a region located in the far North of what is today Norway, Sweden, Finland and the North West of Russia), the Lapp people still practiced the old Germanic religion in the early XIX century, right in the times of Napoleon. They had inherited the Faith by cultural transmission from their Viking neighbours.

In that same XIX century, Guido Von List founded in Germany an organisation of adherents to Forn Sed, awakening a renewed interest in the study of the few extant writings that from ancient or from medieval times dealt with the Germanic religion, notably the Roman "Germania" by Tacitus, the Icelandic "Edda" in poetry, of anonymous author, the Icelandic "Edda" in prose by Snorri Sturlusson, the collection of Icelandic sagas, some anonymous, others written by different authors, the Danish books written by Saxo Grammaticus, surviving folk-lore legends in Scandinavia, Germany, Britain or other places, and Runic inscriptions located in those places that had been visited or colonised by Norwegian Vikings or by Swedish Varangians in medieval times, or Runes written on objects today kept in the colllections of various musea and academic institutions.

About 1918 or earlier, the Thule Gesselschaft is active in Germany. Several prominent members of the NSDAP formed part of it. The organisation focused on a combination of historical and archeological studies on the ancient Germanic religion, with a German patriotic and racial pride.

About 1930 Heinrich Himmler, SS Reichsfuhrer of the NSDAP, led in Germany a group of SS officers who believed in Wotan. The NSDAP itself is defined by Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Joseph Goebbels and other National Socialist leaders as a political organisation, not as a religious one.

About 1935 Rud Mills founded in North America the Angle Cyn Church of Woden. Woden is the Anglo-Saxon name for the German God Wotan, Scandinavian Odin. Rud Mills wrote the classic book "The Call of our Ancient Nordic Religion".

About 1965 Fru Else Christensen, a remarkable Danish lady also known as "Volk Mutter" (see below), founded in North America the Church of Odin.

In 1973 was founded in Britain the Odinic Rite. Some of its prominent members are or were Eric Wood, Torgeist and Heimgest Holley.

In the 1970's or 1980's different Asatrú groups were independently organised in Iceland, Britain and North America.

In 1988 Valgard Murray founded in North America the Asatrú Alliance. Some of its prominent members are or were Sheila McNallen and Robert Taylor.

Other organisations are the Asatrú ET, and the Asatrú Folk Assembly of Stephen McNallen.

From 1997 to 2002 The International Asatrú Odinist Alliance existed as a kind of coordinating body of the last four organisations mentioned, OR, AA, AET and AFA.

Those organisations do not necessarily hold identical views with regard to political or social issues, but they posess in common the belief in our ancient Faith.

Epitaph to Fru Else Christensen

Fru Else Christensen "Volk Mutter" was an outstanding woman in the defence of the Aryan Values. Being of Danish origin, she had abandoned Scandinavia and for many years lived in Canada. She died in May 2005. P. A. Stonemann wrote this epitaph in her honour:

Farvel, Fru Christensen !

Farewell, Brave Warrior ! Farewell, Exemplary Woman ! Your duty could not have been better accomplished in the defence of our Aryan Race and our Asatrú Faith. You went through times of bitterness and suffering, through bias, incomprehension, accusations and exile. You held on under probations where most others would have given up, where most others would have been totally defeated by our foes. The skies of Denmark saw Ye no more, for You ended Your days in this World near the shore of British Columbia. You did not finish Your earthly existence on a battlefield, laying hold of a bloody sword, because Your whole existence was a battlefield. If ever a woman deserved to be gently carried by the Walkyrien, if ever a female seat were hosted in Sessrumnir, then You deserve that Throne of Honour. Farewell, Heroic Commander ! Your guidance will give us strength when peril shall test our devotion to the Cause. Farewell, Noble Lady ! Your example will encourage our Aryan women to fight, or to die, beside their own men. Farewell...

The most important texts of the Asatrú Religion are collected here:

Edda in Old Norse
The Sacred Text of Asatrú. Of the TRUE GODS, not of a false jewish "god"


An accurate view of historical events of the XX century can be read here:

Barnes Historical Review
Six million "holocausted" is a jewish exaggeration. History as it happened


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